1. What is the source of the brokenness in our world and in your story?
A. The virus-like reality of sin and selfishness.
B. Political strife, social unrest, global warming and broken homes.
2. If God is both Creator and King, and His Kingdom is based on His character, then what best describes His universal reign?
A. A Reign of Sheer Power.
B. A Reign Self Exaltation.
C. A Reign of Love.
3. What are the seven scenes of the unfolding Story of the Good News?
A. Creation, Fall, Covenant, Promise, Christ, Bride, Restoration.
B. Pre-Creation, Creation, Fall, Promise, Messiah, Kingdom, Re-Creation.
C. Beginnings, Conflict, Covenant, Church, Christ, The End.
4. How much of what you do/did contributes to, earns or merits God’s favor towards you, love for you or your eternal salvation?
A. Some or a little bit.
B. 50/50, Jesus plus something I do.
C. Nothing. It's a free gift of grace I receive by faith!
5. When does God make complete provision for your forgiveness, salvation and acceptance with Himself?
A. When I sin and then go to Him to ask for forgiveness.
B. He has already made full provision through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. I just need to turn and believe it.
C. After I have done enough to prove to Him that I deserve it.
6. In light of God’s overwhelming love for you and abundant grace given to you in Christ that positions your identity as His child going forward, do you believe this Good News and thus choose to turn from the sin that has previously shaped your identity?
A. Yes, I believe this Good News about Jesus for me.
B. No, I do not believe this Good News about Jesus for myself.
7. Do you choose to receive the Holy Spirit dwelling inside you to fill you with the love of God, empower you in your next steps as a follower of Jesus and to live life under His reign of love?
A. Yes, I choose to receive the Holy Spirit dwelling in me.
B. No, I choose not to receive the Holy Spirit dwelling in me.
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