We’re excited about helping you experience the joy of life in Christ through this podcast! In this podcast you will receive a new episode each week hosted by CJ Cousins that will feature a message, interview, conversation or equipping on disciple making. We invite you to listen and subscribe for new episodes, share this with your friends and consider supporting with a monthly subscription. You may listen to this podcast on Apple Podcast, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castbox, Overcast, Pocket Cast, or Radiopublic.
Matthew 25:14-30 | Before Jesus returns what does He expect of us who have been so graciously entrusted with His gifts?
Matthew 25:1-13 | Jesus wants us to know that He will have a ready people when He returns. The question is will we be apart of it and how do we get ready for It?
Matthew 24:15-31 | What else can we expect while we’re expecting the coming King?
Matthew 24:1-14 | What can we expect while we’re expecting the coming King?
Matthew 23 | How does Jesus respond to the hypocrisy of religion that grossly misrepresents Him?
Matthew 22:23-46 | How should we approach the Scriptures to get the answers to life’s questions?
Matthew 2:13-23 | Do you ever feel like if its not one thing its another? Well, I’ve got good news! Today, Jesus wants to show you three ways to make it through your trials.
Matthew 2:1-12 | What does Jesus want for Christmas? In Matthew chapter 2 we will discover 3 gifts that Jesus wants for Christmas.
Matthew 1 | When Jesus steps on to the seen of human history as the long expected Messiah, He chooses to come in the most unexpected way, like identifying with the brokenness of the human family.
Matthew 25:31-46 | What is the basis of the judgment after the King returns?