Join Pastor CJ Cousins as he takes an exciting journey into the Gospel of Matthew in the this series called “The Unexpected King: The Messiah and His Gospel of the Kingdom.”
Matthew 24:1-13 | Jesus wants us to know that He will have a ready people when He returns. The question is will we be apart of it and how do we get ready for It?
Matthew 20 | How does Jesus’ redefinition of Kingdom challenge how we live today?
Matthew 19 | What are some ways Jesus’ upside down Kingdom reshapes our values, especially when we think they’re Biblical?
Matthew 18 | Since offenses are likely to occur among us, though we don’t want them to, then how do we preserve the relationships within Kingdom community?
Matthew 17 | What are we still slow to understand about Jesus today as His followers?
Matthew 16 | Why is it so critically urgent for Jesus to clarify His identity for those who follow Him, especially now in the end of time?
Matthew 15 | What barriers to the Good News of the Kingdom does Jesus reveal must be uprooted?
Matthew 14 | Who is Jesus and why should we trust Him?
Matthew 13 | Given the major challenges facing the church today and how people seem to be responding to Jesus, why does He even bother pursuing us in order to establish His reign of love?
Matthew 12 | In recent years our nation was unfortunately subject to a constant flow of mean tweets that had many of us becoming numb to the normalizing of the demonization of others. So what can we learn from Jesus on how to respond to negative criticism?
Matthew 11 | What if Jesus had a Twitter account and came on Jimmy Kimmel’s “Mean Tweets” to read and respond to your tweets about Him. What would He say? What’s Jesus’ response to how you’re responding to Him?
Matthew 10 | What does it mean for you, with all your imperfections, to be sent by Jesus to make disciples in a post-pandemic world?
Matthew 9:18-39 | What does Jesus’ personal response to human suffering reveal about Him and how we, as His followers, are supposed to respond?
Matthew 9:1-17 | Was the announcement of the Good News about the Kingdom Jesus was ushering in really something new?
Matthew 8 | In sharp contrast with how tyrants establish and retain governing power, how did Jesus demonstrate the power of the Kingdom He came to establish?
Matthew 7 | Jesus is about to conclude His sermon on the Mount, and He doesn’t want the world asking “Where’s the love?” of His followers. So let’s dive into Matthew chapter 7 and see if we can learn the ways of love in Christ’s Kingdom He calls us to live out now.
Matthew 6 | If you want to experience the Kingdom life now, then the choice is yours; This or That. So what are these contrasts between how He wants us not to live and how He wants us to live?
Matthew 5 | Jesus taught His disciples how to live the Kingdom life to clarify the nature of His Kingdom and to challenge false notions of the Messiah’s Kingdom. And He’s looking for you to enter into this kind of Kingdom life now!
Matthew 4:12-25 | Jesus invites you into three ways He urgently needs the Kingdom to dawn in your life.
Matthew 4:1-11 | Come with me to Matthew 4:1-11 and there we will find three powerful principles for living victoriously over temptation in Christ.
Matthew 3 | Today, in Matthew 3, I believe God has a threefold message of repentance for us who are awaiting the second arrival of our King.
Matthew 2:13-23 | Do you ever feel like if its not one thing its another? Well, I’ve got good news! Today, Jesus wants to show you three ways to make it through your trials.
Matthew 2:1-12 | What does Jesus want for Christmas? In Matthew chapter 2 we will discover 3 gifts that Jesus wants for Christmas.
Matthew 1 | When Jesus steps on to the seen of human history as the long expected Messiah, He chooses to come in the most unexpected way, like identifying with the brokenness of the human family.
Matthew 24:14-30 | Before Jesus returns what does He expect of us who have been so graciously entrusted with His gifts?