Yet as Joseph begins to wake up out of his dream it becomes clear that it’s not enough to just listen. The Bible says in verse 14…
““When he arose, he took the young Child and His mother by night and departed for Egypt, and was there until the death of Herod, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying, “Out of Egypt I called My Son.” ”
The text seems to imply that Joseph was sleeping at night and the moment he got up from the dream, he took Mary and Jesus and left for Egypt. You see at some point we’ve got to go beyond just listening to what the Lord is saying. We’ve actually got to do what He says. Because to make it through your trial you’ve got to …
Act on what He says to avoid the tragic
I told you that I kept running from what God was saying to me. And the whole time I couldn’t keep up with my mortgage payments. I tried refinancing. It didn’t work. There were some blocks in my neighborhood where every other house was going into foreclosure. It wasn’t until I acted on what God was saying and went to seminary, that my house sold. You see faith comes by hearing the Word. But obedience is the fruit of faith. And there is blessing in obedience. My house should have foreclosed. But because I acted on what God was saying I avoided the tragic.
Now there is something you need to know about acting on God’s Word. It makes the devil mad and he will try to attack you. Expect it. The moment Joseph fled and the wise men departed another way, Satan inspired Herod to kill every child in Bethlehem two years old and under, because that was the approximate age that Jesus would have been at the time. He was threatened by the prospects of a child king being raised in his kingdom. Had Joseph not acted on God’s instructions Jesus would have been in danger of being killed with the other children in Bethlehem.
But here is what I love about God. He knows how to hide you in the midst of the storm. In the midst of the attacks! In the midst of people saying false things about you! He is your refuge and your strength!! Egypt became a haven for Joseph, Jesus and Mary until the trial died down. The gifts of the kings from the east provided for their needs the whole time while they were in Egypt.
Now watch this! They were not to be in Egypt longterm. The day came when Herod, who tried to kill Jesus, died. The trial was temporary! Your trial is temporary! Some things just have to die. They need to run their course in order for God to fulfill His plan for your life.
But you’ve got to act on what God is saying. Stop asking God for blessings if your not going to be obedient to His word! He wants to bless you! He wants to cover you in the midst of your trial! He wants to guard you from the situation becoming tragic. But God is saying I need some people with some faith that will move on My word!
“CJ” Claypole S. Cousins Jr. is simply a man who is in love with Jesus. His passion is to live, preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In addition to preaching and teaching, CJ also loves to sing and write about Jesus. He also serves as the pastor for Grow Groups and RPCtv at Restoration Praise Center SDA Church.