Week 7 | Life In the Presence of Yahweh
Feb. 12 Exodus 39-40
Click Link for Optional Commentary: Patriarchs and Prophets Ch. 30; Video: The Temple; Message: Assurance for the Journey.
Feb. 13 Leviticus 1-4
Click Link for Optional Commentary: Patriarchs and Prophets Ch. 30; Video: The Bible Explained: Leviticus
Feb. 14 Leviticus 5-7
Click Link for Optional Commentary: Video: Leviticus (Torah Series).
Feb. 15 Leviticus 8-10
Click Link for Optional Commentary: Patriarchs and Prophets Ch. 31; Video: Holiness.
Feb. 16 Leviticus 11-13
Click Link for Optional Commentary: Video: Leviticus 12-15 | Leprosy, Blood and Uncleanness.
Feb. 17 Leviticus 14-15
Click Link for Optional Commentary: Patriarchs and Prophets Ch. 32.
Feb. 18 Leviticus 16-18
Click Link for Optional Commentary: Video: Leviticus 17-18 | Blood and Sex.