“ “And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people. Then His fame went throughout all Syria; and they brought to Him all sick people who were afflicted with various diseases and torments, and those who were demon-possessed, epileptics, and paralytics; and He healed them. Great multitudes followed Him—from Galilee, and from Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea, and beyond the Jordan.””
Jesus takes those He’s now discipling and continues to preach and teach the gospel of the Kingdom on a circuit all around Galilee. A lot of His preaching was in the synagogues and out in nature, in the open, to the common people. However, Jesus ministry wasn’t just about speaking to people and giving them information. Most of His ministry was dedicated to making people whole by meeting their needs. Jesus wants you to know that the Kingdom has surely dawned in your life when you take those you’re discipling and become…
A Healing Influence in Your Community
The light of God’s love was being beautifully revealed in Jesus ministry of holistic healing. He brought healing to the community by meeting their spiritual, mental, physical and social needs. I got to experience the healing impact of the Kingdom in a community at the recent Potomac young adult conference called Inspire. One of the main features of the conference was the service projects out in the community. There were a variety of different projects to choice from, however I was apart of one that was birthed that weekend out of a concern among some young adults that people were hurting due to the climate of fear and division in the country. So we decided to go out on the side walk at a major intersection in downtown Silver Spring, where the Inspire Conference was being held, and offer free food, free hugs, prayer and two boxes for people to write down their hopes for the future in one and fears for the future in the other. We called it Hope Viral. My own heart was moved as I watched these young followers of Jesus take up big free hug signs on this busy intersection full of people. This experience touched a lot of people. Some of them came up to us, hugged us and cried. Many of them opened up to us about their hopes and fears. But what touched my heart the most, was the people that were so moved that they started to take up signs themselves and offer free hugs and hope to others as they walked by. I sent my wife a text that day saying “Jesus was manifest to the public today.”
You see wherever Jesus went people were made whole. He healed sickness, disease and a variety of ailments. Demons fled in the presence of the King and people were restored to their right mind. Jesus brought light and wellness to people that were sitting in darkness. Speaking to the wholistic nature of wellness, Des Cummings and Monica Reed share in their book CREATION Health,
““…wellness is more than health, or absence of disease. Wellness is being mentally fit, physically robust, spiritually vital, and socially comfortable.” ”
This was the healing influence of the Kingdom that Jesus brought.
Do you think that this is the kind of healing influence that people in your community are looking for? What do you think happens when you start following Jesus like this? Here’s what happens, the Bible says Jesus' fame went everywhere and great multitudes started to follow Him! It was the dawn of a movement!
That’s what we are. The Kingdom Jesus established over 2000 years ago is a disciple making movement that has a healing influence in the world. This is what Jesus did and as His followers we’re to replicate the life and ministry of Jesus. So if you want to know what this could look like in your life, Respond to Jesus and let me know. Because Jesus needs the last day continuation of His disciple making movement to dawn in our lives today!
“CJ” Claypole S. Cousins Jr. is simply a man who is in love with Jesus. His passion is to live, preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In addition to preaching and teaching, CJ also loves to sing and write about Jesus. He also serves as the pastor for Youth, Young Adults and Children at Vienna SDA Church in Vienna, VA.