Dressing Our "Best" For Church?

This article was originally posted Dec. 2016 according to the authors blog site.

This article was originally posted Dec. 2016 according to the authors blog site.

From time to time I like to address subjects that I encounter over and over again, and this one is definitely one of them. Now I know when it comes to how we dress for “church”, for many of us, last year into this year, has been a non-issue, because during the COVID-19 pandemic many have attended worship services online. Yet with many services opening up with CDC guidelines in place, in online conversations and definitely prior to the pandemic, this subject is still an issue for many. Two years ago I came across an article that was the original reason for me to deal with this subject, especially in light of the interesting conversations it sparked. I guess you could say this is somewhat of a response. I struggled with this article mainly because I used to share the same view and like to “dress up.” Now, before anyone stones me for having a different view, like the author I do not believe dress to be salvific, nor do I think we should dress in a careless manner. However, I do believe and know that a lot of what we view as “reverent” formal attire that “glorifies” God is largely influenced by our culture (typically Western European) and not Scripture. The idea that those gathering to worship God in a building set apart for Him were more spiritually mature and reverent if they came in formal attire is foreign to the teachings of Jesus, which embrace and inform our understanding of both Old & New Testaments. First of all the worship of God, Biblically speaking, in reverent spiritual maturity, was never limited to a building, but rather was to embrace every aspect of the believers life every day, while in everyday clothes. See John 4:1-26. Spiritual maturity, in the reverential fear of God, was defined by loving Him and others (even enemies) well. See Matt. 5:43-48 & John 13:34-35. Another problem, though the author attempts to acknowledge that church is the people, he functionally defines it based on a worship service, in “God’s house” or a building on the Lord’s day. This is not what Jesus intended or modeled church to be or the rest of the New Testament for that matter. Church was defined as followers of Jesus doing life and mission together, founded on Jesus & Him crucified, gathering primarily from house to house. Corporate gatherings in the Temple or in a synagogue was a smaller part of church life and worship, not requiring clothing of a more formal nature. As a matter of fact, Jesus discourages an emphasis on outward appearance/attire that results in deemphasizing purity of heart. See Luke 11:39. Paul seems to echo Jesus, in principle, in 1 Timothy 2:9-10. Then James comes around and straight up rebukes as evil any preferential treatment or emphasis on those who “dress up” while gathering (not specifically in a building for worship) with the other believers. See James 2:1-4. His concern is the poor among them who don’t have or can’t even afford formal/expensive clothing.

It has been well documented in the book “Pagan Christianity” that in early Christianity there were instances where people coming to gather with other believers were told not to come in formal/expensive attire for the same reasons of favoritism and shaming the poor James expressed. It traces the history of “dressing up” for “church” and you will be surprised as to how unspiritual/pagan the origins and development of this tradition/practice was. The truth is Jesus Himself had only one outfit that He wore to Sabbath worship at the synagogue, Temple during feasts, traveling on the road with the disciples and stripped from Him at the cross. I have personally experienced people that I was trying to witness Christ to, refuse to attend a worship service with me on Sabbath because they felt out of place, not having formal attire. How many souls are seeking for Jesus, but feel like outsiders, because they don’t have the formal attire of the “elite” and stay away? Seriously, think about it...

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Life In Christ

Is your heart hungry for something you just don’t know how to describe? Or has your spiritual journey run dry and you’re looking for a refreshing new way to see the Gospel, or the Good News about Jesus, in any part or throughout all of Scripture? Then look no further, for this resource has been designed to help you do just that. The Gospel is the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ & Him crucified for your salvation and the establishment of His Kingdom. The Bible is its epic, unfolding story. It’s with this Gospel lens that this 365-day devotional journal invites you to experience Jesus by reading, meditating and journaling through Scripture in a way that’s simple, yet totally life-changing! You’ll learn practical tips on how to maintain a vital relationship with Jesus, how to hear God’s voice, how to do this with others in a small group and much more. So come, enter the story and experience the joy of life in Christ!


CJ Cousins

Follower of Jesus, Husband, Father, Associate Pastor for Younger Generations at Vienna SDA Church and Speaker/Author for Living For Him. CJ’s passion is to live, preach & teach the Good News about Jesus and multiply disciples for His Kingdom.