A Safe Space for Youth Part 3

So he sent and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, with beautiful eyes and a handsome appearance. And the LORD said, “Arise, anoint him; for this is he.” Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward. And Samuel arose and went to Ramah.
— 1 Samuel 16-12-13 NASB

After reading this you get the sense that Samuel still hadn’t quite gotten over his first impression of someone being based on their appearance. Nevertheless, by faith in the word of Yahweh, he moved forward and anointed David as the next king of Israel. Now when I think about all 7 of David’s older brothers being rejected and having to stand there and watch him get anointed before them, all I can say is ouch! It just feels like a set up for sibling rivalry that makes me wonder if David had his brothers in mind when he wrote this line from his famous 23rd Psalm, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil…” Psalm 23:5 NASB. In spite of this, David, the teenager, had been called of God and anointed with oil, which was the symbol of the Holy Spirit filling him mightily to fulfill God’s purpose for his life from that day forward. And I just believe there’s a movement of youth rising up just waiting for some of you “Samuels” from the older generations to call them into fulfilling their Spirit-anointed purpose; to guide, mentor and release them into mission! Because, if we’re going to create a safe space for youth to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives, then we’ve got to…


I was baptized at 12 years old, but it wasn’t until I was at the seminary in my 30s that a pastor, who now works for the General Conference, shared a powerful set of presentations on the Holy Spirit. And afterwards he laid hands on me to receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Now I’ve read my Bible through many times and a pattern I’ve seen often emerge in the New Testament is either at, shortly after or even sometimes before a new believer’s baptism, hands were laid on them to receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, in obedience to the Spirit and His word, every baptism by water I conduct I always lay hands on the person to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. You see, their baptism by water confirms their faith in identifying with the death and resurrection of Christ, which secured their salvation. However, their baptism by the Holy Spirit is their ordination into the ministry they’ve been called to fulfill! The Holy Spirit fills their life with His presence, power and anointing to give witness to Jesus Christ! Therefore, it’s high time us “Samuels” get up off our rears and call this generation of youth to receive the Spirit’s anointing!

Just look at the baptism of Jesus. No sooner than He came up out of the water, the Holy Spirit immediately fell upon Him in the form of a dove, anointing Him as the Messiah or Christ, which both mean “Anointed One”. He was anointed by the Spirit to fulfill His purpose and ministry as the Messiah for the next 3 and 1/2 years. His baptism and anointing inform our own. Even John the Baptist said that he baptized in water but the One coming after him, “He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” Matthew 3:11b NASB. This is a fitting description of what we see happening to David after his anointing with oil by the prophet Samuel. “… the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward.” 1 Samuel 16:13b NASB What if the reason we don’t see many of our youth being filled mightily with vitality and spiritual power is because we haven’t called them to receive the Spirit’s anointing? But why stop there? Let’s go a little deeper. What if the reason we aren’t filled mightily with vitality and spiritual power is because we haven’t received the Spirit’s anointing ourselves?

You pray daily for the fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit. You go find that youth, that teenager, and love them. You pray for them. You guide and mentor them. You speak life into them. You tell them what you see the Holy Spirit doing in them that’s preparing them for the purpose He’s called them to fulfill. And yes, you anoint them. Seriously. Mom, Dad, teacher, youth leader, older church member, or anyone who has been trained and certified to work with our young people; in an appropriate manor with the permission of their parents, you get some olive oil, place a little bit on your fingers and you place your hand upon their head and anoint them in the mighty name of Jesus! Then stand back and watch the Holy Spirit come upon them mightily from that day forward.

As for Samuel, he simply went back home to Ramah. However, as the Spirit came mightily upon David, the same Holy Spirit departed from Saul, who had resisted Him, and God permitted an evil spirit to torment his mind. So when his servants recommended he find a gifted musician to play skillfully in order to drive out the tormenting spirit from his mind, he gave the command for them to find someone. And guess who one of his servants recommended? Let’s find out beginning in verse 18…

Stay tuned for Part 4!
