“Then He got into one of the boats, which was Simon’s, and asked him to put out a little from the land. And He sat down and taught the multitudes from the boat.”
Luke 5:3 NKJV
Notice Jesus has already gone before these disciples to reach the hearts of the people, but now He decides to enter their environment, their space, their work space for a better, more effective platform to reach the people. This is because when the love of Christ is the Why for your life, then He’ll lead you to get in alignment with His purpose for your life by…
It’s like when a large company purchases a successful, yet smaller company in order to use its platform to build their brand, gain more customers and increase their market share. Well, Jesus has purchased us with His own blood that He might use us to build up His Kingdom!
Notice there’s enough of an established relationship with Peter that Jesus could just enter his boat and ask him to put out a little from the land and Peter agrees to do it. As a matter of fact, in the previous chapter Jesus enters Peter’s house and heals his mother-in-law. Peter is a follower of his Rabbi, a student of his Master, and a servant of his King, Jesus, the Messiah. He is Lord, so Peter is willing to let Jesus enter his spaces to do His thing to reach the people.
You see, it’s through your receiving the Gospel by faith that King Jesus has first established His reign of love on the throne of your heart. Then from your heart, He seeks to extend His reign in all the spaces where you do life. Spaces like within the church, at home, at work, at your school or in your community. You may have a talent, natural ability, or skill that you use in these spaces where you regularly do life, by which Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, has anointed you to use as spiritual gifts to meet the needs of the people in your spaces. Jesus has purposed you to use these gifts in your spaces as a platform through which He reaches the hearts of people He’s already gone before you to draw to Himself. For example, your profession is not your purpose, but the platform Jesus wants to use for you to fulfill your purpose. Family, Jesus needs your boat!
Now that Jesus has entered your boat, your space, what’s He gonna do once He gets in there? I hope you’re ready to find out. Come with me to verse 4…
CJ Cousins
CJ is a follower of Jesus, husband, father, speaker/author and Lead Pastor for Stone Mountain SDA Church, near Atlanta, GA.