Week 52 | Last Words Leading to Re-Creation
December 24 2 Timothy
Optional Commentary (Click Links): Acts of the Apostles Ch. 47-50; Videos: Book of 2 Timothy Summary, 1 & 2 Timothy: The Bible Explained, Paul’s Letters Second Timothy.
December 25 2 Peter, Jude
Optional Commentary (Click Links): Acts of the Apostles Ch. 52; Videos: Book Summary 2 Peter, 2 Peter: The Bible Explained, Other Letters Second Peter, Book Summary Jude, Jude: The Bible Explained, Other Letters Jude.
December 26 1 John
Optional Commentary (Click Links): Acts of the Apostles Ch. 53-54; Videos: Book of 1-3 John Summary, Other Letters First John.
December 27 2 John, 3 John
Optional Commentary (Click Links): Acts of the Apostles Ch. 55; Videos: Letters of John: Bible Explained, Other Letters Second and Third John.
December 28 Revelation 1-5
Optional Commentary (Click Links): Acts of the Apostles Ch. 56-58, The Great Controversy Ch. 5-8; Message: An Open Letter; Videos: Book of Revelation Summary Pt. 1, Revelation Series Too Salty.
December 29 Revelation 6-11
Optional Commentary (Click Links): The Great Controversy Ch. 9-15; 17-18; 25; Message: The Winds; Videos: Book of Revelation Summary Pt. 2; Revelation of the Coming King.
December 30 Revelation 12-18
Optional Commentary (Click Links): The Great Controversy Ch. 4, 29, 16, 34-36, 19-21, 26-28, 38; Messages: Crushed By a Baby, America: How Did We Get Here Pt. 1 & Pt. 2, Shout! Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Good News for Laodecia, Come Out to Come In. Foundational Teachings: Lessons 21-23.
December 31 Revelation 19-22
Optional Commentary (Click Links): The Great Controversy Ch. 39-42; Message: A Transparent End; Video: Revelation Series Two Heavens. Foundational Teachings: The Second Coming, The Millennium, The End of Evil, Pleasures Forevermore.
1. Tell God what you saw in His character of love.
2. What picture of Jesus gave you the assurance of salvation?
3. What did the Holy Spirit say to you out of today’s reading?
4. What’s at least one verse you’ll meditate on today?
Feel free to share any of your four journal entries from the Life In Christ Daily Devotional Journal in the comments section below…