Living For Him

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Pre-Creation, Creation, Fall & Promise

Experience Jesus through the daily Bible readings, meditating on them and then journaling in light of the Gospel. Optional supplemental resources (commentary, foundational teachings and messages) are available to you for deeper reflection and study. Just click on the hyperlinked title below the day’s reading to access it. If you’d like to download the entire Bible reading plan, then click the button below. Enjoy…


Jan. 1 Genesis 1-3

Commentary: Patriarchs and Prophets Ch. 1-4; The Great Controversy Ch. 30, 33.

Foundational Teachings: The Logic of Love (The Scriptures); The Heart of God (God/Trinity); The Image of God (Creation); War In Heaven (The Great Controversy); The Fall of Humanity (The Nature of Humanity); The Promise One (Jesus Fulfills Promise).

Messages: The Image of God; The Mission of Marriage; God Initiated Fulfillment; A Broken Oneness Restored; It’s Broken.

Jan. 2 Genesis 4-7

Commentary: Patriarchs and Prophets Ch. 5-7

Jan. 3 Genesis 8-11

Commentary: Patriarchs and Prophets Ch. 8-10

Jan. 4 Job 1-5

Jan. 5 Job 6-9

Jan. 6 Job 10-13

Jan. 7 Job 14-16