“When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!” For he and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of fish which they had taken; and so also were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men.””
Luke 5:8-10 NKJV
This miraculous catch of fish left Peter in such awe at who Jesus was that he felt a keen sense of his unworthiness, his sinfulness and his need of grace. He humbles himself before Jesus because he knows this catch wasn’t a result of his skills, abilities or know how, but it happened out of a sheer willingness to surrender to Jesus’ power to accomplish it! For when the love of Christ is the Why for your life, then He’ll lead you to get in alignment with His purpose your life by…
It’s like the time when I was wrestling with my call to pastoral ministry and preaching while working as a substitute teacher at a Cobb County middle school. Every Friday morning before school started they had a chapel service which was sponsored by a Christian club. One day I was invited to speak for their chapel, to which I reluctantly accepted. When the day came for me to speak the auditorium was packed, like the majority of the school was there. I remember bringing my notes on to the podium and speaking, but as soon as I was done I quickly went backstage, threw myself on top of a grand piano and prayed that God would not ask me to speak like that again. I felt like I had failed, like I wasn’t worthy of the calling, like this preaching thing was much bigger than me. When I finally gained the courage to come from behind the stage, I got flooded by students telling me how awesome the message was and that they wanted me come back and speak again!
Think of how different Peter’s story would have played out if he had stayed in this humble posture of being continually in need of God’s grace, even as the Holy Spirit empowered him to reach people. Look at Judas and the other apostles being used by the Spirit to cast out demons! Jesus said He will make them fishers of people. The miracle was never about the fish. It was about people! Your purpose is about people! It’s something He will empower you to do, mentor and model for you (will use other people to mentor you, disciple you into)
Jesus gets the glory by using broken people to reach other broken people, because they will clearly see that it wasn’t you of yourself that could have had the impact you did, but Jesus working supernaturally through you. He uses us in spite of us. He uses works in progress. The Spirit anoints us with gifts to use for ministering to people even though we don’t deserve it and we’re flawed.
Verse 11 They left all because they finally got in alignment with their purpose. And their purpose was wrapped up in His purpose for their lives.
It’s time to get in alignment with your purpose!
It’s time to get in alignment with your purpose!
It’s time to get in alignment with your purpose!
It’s time to get in alignment with your purpose!
It’s time to get in alignment with your purpose!
It’s time to get in alignment with your purpose!
It’s time to get in alignment with your purpose!
When the love of Christ is the Why for your life, then He’ll lead you to get in alignment with His purpose for your life by entering your space to use your platform, granting you overwhelming success if your wiling to follow His lead, and causing you to sense your need of His grace as He empowers you to reach people. Here at SMC this is what we call COMMIT. COMMIT is committing to discover and faithfully use your spiritual gifts to serve the needs of others within the places where you regularly do life.
Jesus did not just save you from something (sin), but for something! (your purpose). And your purpose flows out of your identity. And your identity is in Christ!
CJ Cousins
CJ is a follower of Jesus, husband, father, speaker/author and Lead Pastor for Stone Mountain SDA Church, near Atlanta, GA.