So, what’s your why? Well, on our journey together, we’ve discovered, through the Gospel, that the love of Christ is the only eternally sustainable and compelling Why for life. And once you receive this in your heart by faith, Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, starts to lead your life into His way of other-centered love. This is the life of a true follower of Jesus lived under His reign of love. We’ve sought to cut through the fluff of mere 21st century church culture and go straight to the Gospels in Scripture to learn how Jesus Himself made disciples, which we’re discovering He did intentionally in a series of four steps or invitations into His discipleship pathway. His first invitation was to “Come and see”, which was Jesus’ way of drawing His first two disciples into an abiding relationship with Himself after they heard the Good News announced by John the Baptist. Here at SMC we call this first step CONNECT, which is anything the church collectively and individually does that brings people to believe in the Good News about Jesus, establish a daily relationship with Him, seek Bible study in preparation for baptism, and enter the life of our church. Jesus’ second invitation was “Follow Me”, which was His way of gathering His disciples into community with other followers who are learning to live and love like Jesus. Here at SMC we call this second step COMMUNE, which is the personal relationship with Jesus expanding into community with other followers of Jesus who are learning to live and love like Jesus, primarily within a small weekly gathering. Jesus’ third invitation was “Fish with Me”, which was Jesus equipping and, through the Holy Spirit, empowering His disciples with spiritual gifts to serve the needs of people in the spaces where they did life. Here at SMC we call this third step COMMIT, which is committing to discover and faithfully use spiritual gifts to serve the needs of others within the places where you regularly do life. And if you’ve realized that you haven’t yet started on this journey with Jesus or maybe you have, but now you realize that you haven’t taken 1 of these 3 steps, then today is the day Jesus calls you to take the next step in following Him. But, what if you’ve already taken these 3 steps. When the love of Christ is the Why for your life, then what’s the fourth step He leads your life into? Well, come with me to Luke chapter 10 and let’s see if we can find out. Picking up from where we last left off, Jesus, after a period of 18 months in the region of Judea with His initial disciples sort of following Him part-time, relocates to Capernaum of Galilee, invites His disciples to “Fish with Me” by the shore of the Sea of Galilee, and then takes them on a series of 7 “fishing trips” where He models for them how to fish for people. These trips were to a synagogue, Peter’s house, on a short tour of Galilee, beside the sea, healing a leper, healing a paralytic, and calling Matthew-Levi the tax collector. During this time they largely watched Jesus do it until finally He selects 12 disciples from among a crowd of His disciples, empowers them through the Spirit, and then sends them out to do the same ministry they’d been watching Him do. And apparently their efforts were successful, for by the time we get to Luke chapter 10, Jesus is now preparing to send out 70 disciples. The Kingdom movement was building! So now, let’s listen in on the instructions Jesus gives the 70, which were almost identical to the instructions He gave the 12 in Luke 9. Let’s enter the story beginning in Luke 10:5…
CJ Cousins
CJ is a follower of Jesus, husband, father, speaker/author and Lead Pastor for Stone Mountain SDA Church, near Atlanta, GA.